Object Of Folk Art

Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp

Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp
Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp
Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp
Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp
Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp
Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp
Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp
Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp

Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp    Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp

Large Painted Wooden Sign Forain Art Walt Disney 1970 Popular Pinocchio.

Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp    Large Painted Wood Panel Walt Disney 1970 Popular Belle and the Tramp