Object Of Folk Art

Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane

Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane
Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane

Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane   Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane

The blade retracts by pushing on the tip and the other end comes out hidden under the arm. Do not pay before receiving the payment request as shipments within Europe are lower than worldwide.

Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane   Old collection magician prestidigitator retractable blade cane