Object Of Folk Art

Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.

Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.
Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.
Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.
Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.

Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.    Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.


Linen canvas mounted on keys + varnish. Painter is a draftsman in the powerful work of truth and. Of man And his questions, The apparent to the greatest.

Tragic expresses, well beyond his fascination for the act of. Creation it is reminiscent of. The dramatic force of the works of Bacon, Goya, music Soutine. An original and unexpected artistic and cultural testimony.

Let's renew our view on the activity. The basis of 7 key concepts. Anatomy, physiognomy, space, light, texture, time.

Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.    Tarek. I Love You My Love. Fusion of Picasso, Renoir, Andy Warhol, Soutine. Tarek.