Object Of Folk Art

Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century

Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century
Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century
Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century
Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century
Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century

Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century   Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century

Boîte À Sel Origine Queyras Fin XIXe. Objet peu fréquent en bois sculpté originaire du Queyras, les bergers en estive sculptaient ces objets pour conserver le sel pour leurs salaisons et nourrir les brebis. Sculpté sur plusieurs faces, fermeture par simple coulissage Dimensions environ 26x11x30cm.

Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century. A rare carved wooden object originating from Queyras, the shepherds in the mountain pastures carved these objects to store salt for their salting and to feed the sheep.

Carved on several sides, closure by simply sliding.

Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century   Salt Box Origin Queyras Late 19th Century